Embracing who you are


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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset


guess we all have doubts about ourselves and life. I used to doubt so many things and specially my capabilities and my potential.

Lately I am coming to learn that no matter what I do I have to embrace it and give 100% of myself, style and my sense of fashion is making me realize how much I can do and I am actually starting to believe that I can become that woman I always wanted to be.

Fashion is something I adore, not just the clothing but I am always intrigued about all the places that fashion and style can take you , the many person I can become by wearing different outfits, the many places I will walk using different shoes and finally the many stories I have experienced by different colors, shapes fabrics and textures.

Fashion has allowed me to embrace who I am and is also allowing me to create my own style.

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